By: Jenny F.

The wetland behind Sanborn Regional High School is in distress. This potential vernal pool is cluttered with heaping piles of old tar, scraps of rusty metal, broken glass, bricks, paint cans, and a lot more garbage and pollution.

That's when Sanborn's Project World comes in. We want to learn as much as we can about the wetland and clean it up. The students of Project World are working towards making the wetlands safe for all plant and animal life.

Our wetland is being beaten up in other ways too. Students are parking their cars right on the edge of our wetland, crushing and forcing back the plants that call our wetland home. Just another reason to get involved. You can start by simply trying to park on the paved areas of the parking lot. There are many reasons why our wetalnd needs help. There are so many things that are causing the destruction of our wetland, that it's hard to name them all. We feel that it is worth preserving it for future generations, letting them enjoy the beauty of the Sanborn environment.