Physical Science
Space Studies
Shuttle, Satellites, and the International Space Station:
Email from Space
Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Countdown Homepage
How the Shuttle Gains Orbit 
How the Shuttle works
News report about the accident
Movie explaining free fall and "weightlessness".
Plot of the location of the International Space Station.
Movie clip explaining the International Space Station.
Tracks of satelites in real time.
Earth/Moon Images
Image of Earth from Cosmos satelite.
Picture or Earth and moon.
Earth seen from one of moon's craters.
The Moon
Moon phases simulation.
Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
The mother load of astronomy information 
Solar Eclipse Animations Animated Solar eclipse. Scroll down and click See Animation.
The basics of ocean tides.
Interactive Tide Form - Find out the times and heights of high and low tides anywhere in New England.
Animation showing the moon and the tides.
Animation showing spring and neap tides.
Our Solar System
Outline of the history of scientific thought.
The Solar System through History.,This Site by Dr. Paul Stoddard at Northern Illinois Univeristy, shows graphically just what the solar system would look like when seen in light of the  theories of Ptolomy, Tycho Brahe, Copernicus, and under current thought.  Use this site to develop your models of the geocentric or heliocentric solar systems.
A Window on the Universe - It's all here.  Everything you ever wanted to know about our Solar System.
The Earth and the Sun - Information about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
Space Flight
The basics of space flight from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (the people who figured out how to send people to the moon.)
Orbital machanics -- Shows how to launch a satelite to Mars and Venus.
Mission to Mars.  All of the information you might need to create a mission to the red planet.
Miscellaneous References
Star Chart - Create a map of the stars on the celestial sphere as they appear in New Hampshire.
The celestial sphere explained in words and pictures.
Aerospace links - Links, links, links. Everything from the Shuttle to the Hubble.
The Motherload of Astronomy Information From Dr. Guidry at the Univ. of Tenn.
The ICSTARS Homepage - Cool  stuff related to astronomy.
The Mars Odyssey Mission Newsroom - Links to background information about the Odyssey mission to Mars.