Life as a vegetarian

By Kim B

What is a vegetarian? A vegetarian is a "blanket" term for a variety of diets that exclude meat poultry and fish. There are a few different types a vegetarianism including being what is called a vegan , this means they only eat only foods that come from plants. There is also "lacto ó ovo vegetarian"

They eat both dairy and eggs.

On of the biggest vegetarian myth is "all vegetarians are animal ó rights activists". The truth is their not. Most people become vegetarians for health reasons. Animal rights is the second most common reason. "we may not all be out there marching against fur but every one of us still saves a lot of hides.

There are a lot of foods with animal products that we donít all know about. gelatin which is in Jell-o and used in a number of things for a thickening agent is made from boiled bones, skins, and tendons of animals. Margarineís can contain fish and other marine oils. Animal fats are used in some pastries.

Here is my interview with a vegetarian from sanborn.

Q:"why did you become a vegetarian?"

A:"I felt bad about eating animals."

Q: "how do you get all of your nutrition?"

A: "a lot of milk 3-4 fruits and vegetables a day and corbo hydrates."

Q: "what are you favorite foods?"

A: "manicotti, chocolate, and ice-cream."

Q: "what does a basic meal consist of?"

A: "a glass of milk, a salad and pasta and or bread."

This is kelly

Her are some famous vegetarians (just incase you didnít think there were any:

Note: this list is presented in good faith - we cannot guarantee that any of these people still are,

or ever were vegetarian. If you have further information please fill in the form below.

Aherne, Caroline Star and writer of BBC's The Royle Family source: Radio Times

Christmas 2000 edition

Anderson, Gillian actor on X-Files, other movies source: Details Magazine, In

Style magazine

Anglehart, Raynald Actor Studio Hollywood,Castel TV source: Actors¨Magazine;


Arthurpeta, Bea actress source: vaganissimo [peta]

Bach, Richard & Leslie

Baldwin, Alec actor source: veganissimo [peta]

Barrymore, Drew - Source: Jane Magazine, Premiere Issue

Basinger, Kim actress

Baxter, Meredith - Source: Teen's Guide to Going Vegetarian

Benedict, Dirk actor, played in a few hit-series in 70-80s and in movies source:

"Confessions of a Kamikaze Cowboy"

Berkley, Elizabeth actress [showgirls] source: vegetarisch fit 5.july [germany]

Bingham, Traci Baywatch Source: BBC Vegetarian Good Food mag, Nov1997

Bogdanovich, Peter director, vegan - Source: NEXP

Briers, Lucy played Mary Bennet in 1995 "Pride & Prejudice" Source: "The

Making of Pride and Prejudice" book

Brown, "Downtown" Julie

This article was written By Erik Marcus

" If you've ever asked a meat eater to explain why he or she eats meat, the answers you

get back are usually pretty unimpressive. The most common reasons I hear are either "it

tastes good," or some health-related answer that's typically based on a profound

misunderstanding of nutrition. I've often wondered if a clear and articulate case for

eating meat can even be made.

Turns out I'm not the only one who wonders what a well-thought-out case for meat

eating would sound like. The UK Vegetarian Society has issued a challenge to the

public to identify the fifty best reasons for eating meat. The call to create this

pro-meat-eating list is part of the UK society's publicity for World Vegetarian Day.

"The Society is confident that there is not a single justifiable reason to continue to eat

meat and that producing a list of 50 reasons to eat meat is unachievable."

According to the Society, this is not some kind of publicity stunt:

"This is a genuine challenge. We want meat eaters to find good reasons to eat meat and

we will even publicize these reasons in our own magazine! This is an indication of how

confident we are that the vegetarian diet makes perfect sense.

I think the Vegetarian Society's call to create this list is worthwhile and important. And I

very much hope that the list they put together is as clearly worded, thoughtfully

researched, and articulate as possible. Why is this challenge so important? In order to

make the case for vegetarianism, it's useful to have on hand the best possible case for

eating meat. By putting these two arguments side-by-side, people will be best able to

choose a diet that fits within their beliefs.

It would be great if members of the meat industry would contribute their expertise to

this list. But given that America's National Dairy Council refuses to directly answer

basic questions about their health claims, it's likely that England's meat interests will

similarly duck this challenge.

This winter, the UK Vegetarian Society will run the fifty best reasons to eat meat

side-by-side with the fifty best reasons to be vegetarian. Comparing the two lists should

be an eye-opening experience. Expect to see either a reprinting of the lists on when they become available, or a link to the relevant site."