Organic Gardening

To Garden organically means to not use synthetic fertilizers or pesticides on plants. When you garden organically you think of your plants as part of a whole system that starts within the soil. Cycles are everywhere your organic garden goes into a cycle by putting organic matter into your garden like vegetable scraps and plant wastes. To help produce a healthy compost for your garden to grow in, once you plant your garden and it begins to grow you can now take vegetables out of it and add your scrapings back in once you are through. Which creates a cycle.

To begin your first organic garden you should start by looking around your yard and to look for which areas get a lot of sun, which are shaded all day, and which are sunlit for part of the day. Also, notice which spots tend to be damp all the time and which dry out very fast. So you can make sure that photosynthesis will occur within your garden and that your organic matter will be sure to decompose. Now you can use that information to choose the site of your new garden and the plants that will grow well there. When you select plants that thrive in your conditions, you have to care for them less. Before you buy the plants, you want to prepare the site. Loosen the soil with a shovel, garden fork and/or tiller 6 to 8 inches deep, and add several inches of compost to it. If the soil is sandy, mix in an extra helping of compost. To prepare your compost for your garden you need to have:

1. Carbon-rich "brown" materials, like fall leaves, straw, dead flowers From your garden and shredded newspaper;

2. Nitrogen-rich "green" materials, like grass clippings, plant-based

Kitchen waste (vegetable peelings and fruit rinds, but no meat scraps),Or barnyard animal manure (even though its color is usually brown, it's Full of nitrogen like the other "green" stuff);

3. A shovelful or two of garden soil; and

4. A site that's at least 3 feet long by 3 feet wide.

Here's what to do:

Start by spreading a several inch thick layer of coarse, dry brown stuff, Like straw or cornstalks or leaves, where you want to build your pile. Top that with several inches of green stuff. Add a thin layer of soil. Add a layer of brown stuff. Moisten the three layers. Continue layering green stuff and brown stuff with a little soil mixed in until the pile is 3 feet high. (If it takes awhile before you have enough material to build the pile that high, don't worryójust keep adding to the pile until it gets to at least 3 feet high.) Every couple weeks, use a garden fork or shovel to turn the pile, moving the stuff at the center of the pile to the outside and working the stuff on the outside to the center of the pile. Keep the pile moist, but not soggy. When you first turn the pile, you may see steam rising from it. This is a sign that the pile is heating up as a result of the materials in it decomposing. If you turn the pile every couple weeks and keep it moist, You will see earthworms throughout the pile and the center of the pile turning into black, crumbly, sweet-smelling soil. When you have enough finished compost in the pile to use in your garden, shovel out the finished compost and start your next pile with any material that hasn't fully decomposed in the previous one. Do you need a compost bin to compost? No. If the pile is at least 3 by 3 by 3 feet, it will have enough mass to decompose in just a pile without a bin. Many gardeners buy or build compost bins, however, because they keep the pile neat. Some are designed to make turning the compost easier or protect it from soaking rains. ( everything impacts something. Doing all of this for your garden will help prepare your soil to grow rich and nutrient vegetables. Once you have finished your compost you are now ready to plant your garden! Remember the sun is the source of all energy; make sure your garden gets plenty of sun.

Organic gardening is a great way to help the earth with its renewable resources. Helping to lower the pollution into the earth and organic gardening is also known for giving more nutrients in its fruits and vegetables. Time changes everything from the start of farming to now the farmers used to do everything organically because that is how the Indians had taught them how to make soil for planting. As time went on technology developed and cretin chemicals were made to enhance gardens but little did people know about how poisonous some of these chemicals really were. Today we now know that one of the most successful ways of gardening is to do it the safe way with organic gardening.
