By Heidi N.

On Wednesday, November 27, 1996, I attended Sea World, in Orlando ,Florida. Their newest exhibit is called " Wild Arctic ". In this exhibit, there were polar bears and Balooga whales. I did not agree with the way it was set up. The weather conditions seemed realistic. It was really cold inside the place. The way it was set up was that we walked through a sunken ship, and there were windows. To see the animals you would have to look through glass windows. The Balooga whales swam around in a big tank. The tank had fake rocks. There was no sand at the bottom or any plants. The sides of the walls were painted blue. I felt as if the habitat they were in, was not home enough for them.

There were two polar bears in another tank. The tank was almost the same as the whales. There were no fish swimming in the water, so their eating habits were unnatural. The polar bears were unable to hunt for fish when they were hungry. They had to wait for trainers to feed them. The tank had rocks, and some ice. There weren't any small animals or any other ocean life in the water. The tanks were small, and I thought they were not big enough. They did not have any space to run around, so all they could really do was sleep.

This exhibit was not what I hoped it would be. I feel as if they took these animals and put them in a place that was not their home. I would have rather seen the tanks better prepared for the animals than the big windows for us humans to see them. For them to have a more natural atmosphere, the polar bears should have had fish swimming in the water, more snow and ice, and more room to run around. If places like Sea World are going to take animals from their natural environment, they should make the animals feel at home.