How has the bridge construction on RT. 101 impacted the community and or the environment surrounding the site?

Exeter Water Works has bought land in a neighboring town and tapped into the same spring that the adjacent town uses for its water supply. Should the other town charge Exeter Water Works for the large amount of water they are taking?

Do you think that companies should be able to sell ground water for commercial sales?

When the seacoast area became flooded, Exeter Water Works was flooded out and was forced to cease operations, leaving the entire town waterless. Should Exeter Water Works move the location of their building so that what happened doesn't happen again?

How did New Hampshire towns handle the emergency flooding of 1996?

What do you think about the shore land protection that was started in 1991 in Kingston?

How did the power outages in the area affect you?

If you want to answer any of these questions, Please send email.

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