Gray wolf

By Dawn O.

I researched the Gray wolf because I think people don't take time to look at what wolves have going for them. Wolves have a bad stereotype because of their instinct to kill only to survive. The Gray wolf is going extinct. Hunters kill them for their beautiful coats of hair. Man has effected the Gray wolf population. Now they are only a few wild once left in certain areas and protected ones in captivity. They will still be killed even for not hunted just to lower the population.

Scientist have studied the behaviors of Gray wolves they have distinguish mating habits and show of intelligence in behavior in the wild. Gray's learn very quickly and respond fast.

I went to Wolf Hollow in Ipswich NH, last year. It is a wolf sanctuary that protects them from being killed. I learned a lot by going on this field trip with Mrs.G. There are so many things I learned that I never knew. Wolves always stay with their families until adult years and then are even allowed to stay or chose to leave the pack. The wolves in the captivity at Wolf Hollow were all one large pack. There were 30 dogs and only 1 female that could make the pack grow. All the puppies have been hand raised and handled so they are born into knowing that humans are not harmful. But there won't be any more pups because the Alfa male died recently in the year and the female will not mate with any others. Unless the female steps down from the Alfa female then no other wolves can mate.

Gray wolves are formally found in Northern Canada. They start to move south if their food sources run out. That is why so many wolves are killed when they are found in urban areas. Wolf Hollow got started to protect those wolves.

Gray wolves are nothing like the stereotypes people put on them. The trip to Wolf Hollow was very educational. I recommend going sometime on your own time.

What you probably do not know? Wolves do help society. They control the population of sick or other weak animals. This helps people avoid catching lime disease or rabies.

Wolves only kill people if they are hungry enough that their lives depend on it. We effect them to by our hunting and killing their food supplies. That is why wolves often go off by themselves to find food in urban areas.

Gray wolves are not really gray they actually have brown fur. They have a distinct call unlike any other wolves this is what makes them different from other wolves.

Why I like wolves? They are closely related to dogs. They have that same face when they beg. Their so cute when they are puppies. They are as curious about us as much as we have of them. Dogs are my friends so when you hurt wolves it is like hurting dogs. Their survival is incredible, their motto is kill or be killed.

Things to know if ever running into a wolf?

First never stare into its eyes they will think that you are trying to challenge them. Second never feed them or they will just keep coming around. If you own a gun do not shoot them shoot away to scare them away.