Kingston Needs More Playing Fields


The town of Kingston is having a problem with the amount of baseball and soccer fields. They just don't have enough for the amount of kids that are playing. For soccer all they have is chase field and the plains. For Babe Ruth and Senior Babe Ruth all they have is chase field. They are in desperate need of fields. For the past few years they have been working on earning money to build the fields. The land they are going to build on is the old Kingston fair grounds. They almost have enough money for the first two phases. Which is a combination softball soccer field and a baseball field.

If you are asking what this has to do with the envionment.Well it has alot to do with the environment. The problem they had was,they are trying to flatten the land and in the middle of this land is swamp land with a vernal pool in the middle of it. The question they are trying to answer is whether it is man made or if it is a vernal pool.If it is a vernal pool it has to stay and it would throw of there plans .They ended up taking a core sample and sent it to the state. So they could decide wheather it was man made or not.The results came back that it was a vernal pool and that it had to stay. This is not the only swamp land in this area. There also is ceder swamp which is one of the only swamps of its kind in New Hampshire. The friends of the Kingston recreation have also decided to have a nature walk around the ceder swamp and it will go around ceder pond. It will be a nice place for people to go on a walk or a run.The great thing about this project is its not costing the tax payers anything. It provides more places for kids to participate in sports , Its a place were teenagers can go to play tennis or basketball. It also provides a place for people to see a rare swamp land area.

Whenever this gets completed, It will definatley be a worth while experience to go take a trip to see it.