Course Information
 In order to make the best use of academic freedom offered by Project World a structure has been estabilshed.  When creating a project, please follow these steps:
Wonder ( develop an essential question)
  • Develop small questions necessary to answer the essential question.
  • Draw up a contract that includes essential question, type of research expected, and type of presentation anticipated.

  • Find out (Perform research to answer the essential question.)
  • Answer the essential question based on research data.
  • Plan and begin to create a public exhibition using computer technology.
  • Have critical friends assess your work throughout the developmental stages.
  • Assemble a panel of assessors to view your work.

  • Exhibit your work before your assessment panel.
  • Receive peer and self feedback.
  • Evaluate your work and make plans for the next project.
  • "There is no such thing as a final project." - EJ w/ help from Nike.

    These links will download the important paper work necessary to quality completion of projects.  When you click on a link a Microsoft Word document will be downloaded to your computer.  You should double click on the downloaded file to open it in Microsoft Word.

    Academic Project Contract
    Grading Guide (Assessment Sheet)
    Critical Friends Sheet
    Standards of World Class Learners