Important:  I created my photomosaic using Adobe Photoshop 3.0.4.  This guide will take you through the steps I went through using this program.  Remember, it is only one representation of a photomosaic and may not fully reflect the authenticity of a professional photomosaic.

    Now, what is a photomosaic anyway?  Well, a photomosaic is a large image composed of a number of smaller images.  The smaller images are large enough that they can be seen in at least some detail.  This makes it so that, up close, the large image can not even be seen; it just looks like a collage of small pictures.  This is what distinguishes photomosaics from pixelling, what your TV does with tiny dots so that you can watch your Saturday morning cartoons.  Now that you know that, you can either go back to the menu page, or go right to step one.

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